March 17,2021
Exodus 34:1-2 And the Lord said to Moses, “Cut two tablets of stone like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets which you broke. 2 So be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai, and present yourself to ME there on the top of the mountain.
Come up in the morning and meet with God. Present yourself to Him.
Exodus 33:11 So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.
You will get in the presence of God much quicker if you go to Him before you do anything else. Here’s why: when you wake up, you engage in the natural. Your brain will start thinking, reading, looking, listening. Then when you go to pray, your mind is already engaged in other things. You are trying to pray, and your brain is elsewhere thinking of what you need to do that day and you are engaged in the natural things of this world, not giving your full attention to God. Therefore, it takes longer to get focus and in His presence. It takes time to quiet your soul, mind, and body. If you will establish getting up early enough to spend time with God, before you do anything else, it will put you in a position to have more quality time with God.
Proverbs 7
Verse 4 – treat wisdom as you would your own. Treat her as if she is your sister.
There are 2 women. 2 houses. 2 kingdoms. 2 systems. Every morning you wake up, both are present whether you see them or not. They are in the unseen realm and they affect everything that goes on in the natural based on which one you engage in. Every morning the strange woman (kingdom of darkness) is luring you, flattering you. Whatever it is she needs to do to get you in her house, she will do it. Whatever your price is, she will pay it. That world system is watching you all the time, it knows everything about you. It knows what you yield to, what you’re interested in, what you give your time to, what you think and talk about, where you go and what you do. It uses this information to appeal to you in that arena to draw you in. If this system can draw you in, it can neutralize you as far as the purpose of God for your whole life. Do not settle for what the world can give you. God is calling you higher! God’s purpose for your life is higher than anything the world can give you. You can be so much more with the presence of God on your life. It is your choice. Whichever house you choose to go to each morning will affect your entire day, and in turn, your life. You have to start living like this day by day.
Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
This is totally contrary to what the world system teaches us. Jesus was teaching to live your life day by day. Plan your day or the world system will plan it for you. If you don’t order you tomorrow today, the devil is right there, and he will order it for you. Spend your first hour with God every morning and in one week’s time you will notice a difference.
Psalm 23:1-3 The Lord is my Shepherd;
I shall not want.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul;
If you have want or lack in your life, it is because the Lord is not your Shepherd. He is the best Shepherd there is! It is just like you care for your pets, cats, dogs, etc. They are a direct reflection of your care. If they are in rough shape, it is not their fault, it is yours! Every day when you wake up and those two systems are looking at you, the Holy Spirit has already prepared a table for you. On that table is exactly what you need that day for everything you’ll face. You don’t know what you’re going to face, but your Shepherd does. And He wants to prepare you every morning. Your Shepherd knows everything the enemy is going to try to do in your life every single day, and HE prepares a table. If you’ll go eat at that table, whatever the enemy throws at you, you’ve got everything that you need to deal with him, overcome him, and win that day. The table is spread every morning whether you eat of not. There’s just enough for that day. When you go to bed that night, He doesn’t sleep. He is in there getting the table prepared for the next morning. God is on the mountain waiting for you to come meet with Him!
God is endeavoring to take us to a place we’ve never been before. We have so much more available to us! The Holy Spirit is sent from heaven to help us succeed in every arena of life.
Judges 16
The story of Sampson and Delilah is a great example of exactly what we’ve been talking about. We have to get rid of the picture in our heads of Sampson that Hollywood has painted. Often, we imagine a large muscular man, but he was a man no different that you and me. His strength was supernatural. If he were a giant muscle head, the Philistines would not be wandering where his strength came from. When they looked at him, they couldn’t understand him. Read through the story and pay close attention to verse 16. And it came to pass, when she pestered him daily with her words and pressed him, so that his soul was vexed to death. This is a picture of the worlds system. It is endeavoring to entice you and distract you! Do what is necessary to overcome this every single day!