March 4, 2020

Wednesday Night Service

John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 

God wants his presence to abide with you. All the time! God wants to go through your day with you! He doesn’t want you just on Sunday morning, He wants to be with you all the time. That’s what worship does! It gets God with you ALL the time. Without His presence we can’t do anything. You can’t accomplish what He has for you.   

 Apart from Him, I can’t be healed and live in divine health. 

Apart from Him, I can’t have life, and have it in abundance.

Apart from Him, I can’t walk in the material and financial plan He has for me. 

Apart from Him, I can’t walk in supernatural peace and joy unspeakable.

Apart from Him, I can’t have council and wisdom that surpasses natural men’s intellect.

Apart from Him, I can’t walk in power and authority over demons and deception like he planned for me to live. 

Apart from Him, I can’t walk in divine love, forgiveness, and be without offense in my life. 

Apart from Him I can do nothing.  Know this and settle it every day and every morning. When you get this established in your life, you will see change.

John 15:10If you keep my commands, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and abide in His love. 

Abide – dwell, remain

There is a difference in dwelling in the love of God, and having God come visit you in a church service and bless you. When the presence comes on you, all the giftings in you come alive. God don’t want that to come once every 6 months! He wants you to have that all the time.

Psalm 145:8-9 The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

Gracious - disposed to show favors. God ALWAYS wantsto show you favor! This truth KILLS the “if it be thy will,” “in God’s own time,” “God’s got this” lies.  If God is in control, WHY IS IT IN THE MESS IT’S IN? You have to kill these man-made ideas, that sound good, but are only lies. Facebook posts are not scripture! God does not come into agreement with man! WE must come to agreement with Him. He’s always right. God always wants to! If God shows you favor, it’s not something insignificant. In Jeremiah we can read, “Call unto me, and I’ll answer you and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” God’s will is so big for you that He can’t even tell you about it.  All of this teaching can be summed up in Psalm 23. 

Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.

The goal for all of us, is to be in the place where our cups are overflowing, and we can pray for others. God wants that for all of us! In the book of Acts, you see people praying for others! You see Peter at The Beautiful Gate, you see Paul’s handkerchief, you see Peter’s shadow, you see Phillip casting out devils. That’s what God is trying to move His church into. He wants to pour out His Spirit on His people so they can pray for the world! Right now, “the world” is not impressed with God or His church. But, if we start operating in this fullness, you will get their attention. We’re not there yet but we’re making adjustments to help us get there. If you don’t get up each morning and say, “Lord I’m not my shepherd, you’re my shepherd. Today, I don’t have any needs, because you meet all of my needs. I’m going to sit down at this table that you’ve prepared. I’ll bring all my fear, worry, and all my problems. I’m going to sit at your table, because you’ve already spread it with everything I need. Whatever I need is there. You’ve got what I need to counteract all my inadequacies.  I’ll sit here and let You feed me. Because you’re the shepherd.” If you don’t sit down at the table, He can’t feed you! He won’t chase you with a spoon and force-feed you! He prepares the table. You MUST sit down and be fed.  “He makes me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters.”  When you sit at his table and He gets to feed you, an exchange takes place. Your weakness for His strength. Your inadequacies for His abilities. Your worries for His peace. Your sorrow for His joy. You have to make the Lord your Shepherd. A stillness will come on you just like water. You’ll get up from the table and go on with your day, and no matter what happens, it won’t rattle you.  Because you’ve got God’s stillness, and peace. God is with me. “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” Why? Because GOD IS WITH ME

“The Lord is gracious and full of compassion” If you just touch Him, He will spill over onto you. You have to get around Him and quit trying to get Him to come around you. This is key!  You’re constantly going to be full of something. Let that something be the presence of God!  There’s a reverence and respect that you have to develop about the presence of God. You must approach Him on His terms. Leave your Phone in a different room. YOU’RE TALKING TO SOMEONE MORE IMPORTANT!  Respect the Almighty God. Approach Him with respect and reverence. It’s an attitude! 

Psalm 145:8-9 The Lord is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

If you will get with God, He will make you like that! If you want to be full of compassion, and slow to anger, get with God.