
February 3, 2021

Wednesday PM

Mrs. Lisa Roberts

Everyone on earth has insecurities. No one likes to talk about it. The root of insecurities is fear. Fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of vulnerability. We all have a calling in the kingdom of God. Are you letting your insecurities keep you from what you are called to do? Have you accepted your insecurities as truths and are you letting that hold you back?  God likes to gently push us out of our comfort zone and into the trust zone. 

The enemy uses people and circumstances to plant insecurities when we are young. The root is always fear. If he can get a stronghold in you that makes you so insecure about who you are, you will not step out and try to become who God wants you to be. That insecurity will hold you for your whole life! We have to recognize where our security comes from. 

Insecurities do not just affect our relationship with God. It affects our relationships with each other! It is so important how we see ourselves. That is the filter that we run everything through. We all let this inner voice talk to us about who we are, and it is mostly lies telling us what we cannot do. When we were born again, we received a new nature. His DNA is inside of us. He knows who we really are. There is nothing bad, or warped, or weak that comes out of Him. Because He is not any of those things. He couldn’t make you anything except a very beautiful portion of who He is. And when He looks at us, He can see our new nature. We see each other and look on the outer man. God looks on the inside. The enemy knows that if he can get us to believe these lies about ourselves that we will never really become who God designed us to be. A lot of people need deliverance! If those lies are thought on long enough, they can become a demonic stronghold. 

Besides our relationship with God, our insecurities affect our relationships with others. God’s love is supposed to shine through us on to each other. We are designed to be loved and to give love.  When we get bound up with our insecurities it really affects our ability to fellowship and relate with others. And how you deal with that can affect everything about your life. Because we didn’t get rooted in our insecurities overnight, you don’t get rid of them overnight either. 

Psalm 133:1-3 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!

God wants us to dwell together in unity. Insecurities stop this from happening. Unity means there’s agreement, or common ground. Insecurities is meant to cut that flow off. If he can stop the flow of love, he can stop the work that God is trying to do among us. Insecurities cause people to build walls around them. It directly affects how we relate/interact with each other. We build these walls and stop the anointing. God can flow through unity! It makes it pleasant for everyone! If we get what we need, and get our security from God, those walls begin to fall. 

2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.

This is a sacred oil. It is holy. It is only to be used to anoint. God designed strict punishment for any man who tried to replicate this recipe. It is representative of the Holy spirit. He is the one that anoints. The picture is of Aaron being anointed with this oil and it dripping off of his beard and down his garments even to the floor. For this to happen, it had to be more than just a little dab of oil. It was poured out on him lavishly. This is how the Holy Spirit wants to flow! He wants to pour Himself out on the whole body of Christ until it soaks in. If you think about oil, one of the things it does is soaks in what it touches. It becomes a part of whatever it touches. If you get oil on the fabric of your clothes, it makes a stain forever! It is permanently marked. If you put it on leather, it will mark the leather! You can tell where it has been and where it hasn’t been. This is a picture of the Holy Spirit that when He flows through us the way He was designed to, He marks a life in such a way that it is never the same! It washes away the insecurities and the things that have hindered the forward moving of the plan of God for your life! The holy spirit is not something you should contain. He flows, moves and works. If a person puts up  a wall and they are hiding in their little box of insecurities, the Holy spirit is very contained! Shallow relationships contain the Holy spirit! He can only flow so much if there are walls up. The only reason for walls is because of insecurities.

3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing—
Life forevermore.

When dew comes in the morning, it is on everything outside. It is on the grass, the vehicle, the leaves. It is not particular about where it comes, it will cover everything. If you get outside in the dew, you’re going to be wet. That dew will soak into you. If you get out and walk in the yard, that will begin to soak your socks and shoes and even up your pant leg. This is another picture of the Holy spirit. When we live and walk and work with Him, He will soak into our lives and help us deal with these insecurities that keep Him from flowing like He wants to flow. The Holy Spirit wants us to know how secure you are so that we can flow to each other. There are things in others that you will never have unless they share them with you. And vice versa! There are things that you bring to the body of Christ that no one else can bring. Only you! But if you sit back in silence, convinced that you don’t have a part and you don’t really fit, the rest of us will never get to partake in your particular anointing.  You have an anointing that is to be shared. It is vital. God didn’t give you a lesser part than anyone else. He gave us all a measure that is for you and then for you to give away.  The most wonderful thing about the Holy Spirit is that when you give away, He gives you more. It is an endless supply. Notice in verse 3 where it  says, “…For THERE the Lord commanded the blessing- Life forevermore.” The “there” that He is speaking of is where we are all dwelling together in unity and flowing with each other in our relationships. Where there is trust and commitment and the insecurities have faded away. 

We were all designed to be loved. We were created because God wanted a family that He could lavish His love upon. We are designed to be a recipient of the love of God. A lot of people walk through life and don’t feel that love and it creates even more insecurities. But, God has given us anointed words to help us. To make us feel secure. As a whole, we need to know who we are, what belongs to us, and how loved we are! You don’t just decide to not have insecurities any more. We need help from The Father. He can help you change the way you see yourself! 

Ephesians 1:1-4  Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,

To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus:

2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love

In the first verse, Paul is letting us know who he is. He is secure in who he is. Paul knew that he was chosen specifically for this purpose and it made him secure. He is secure in what he is about to say and he is secure in the message. He don’t beat around the bush. He tells plainly that he is a special messenger from God and he is ready to share it. God wants to help us!

“Grace be to you…” This is the first thing he says. Here is the Almighty God that wants to have a relationship with you, and the first thing He says is, “Grace be to you.” Favor is coming from Me towards you. Grace means the unmerited favor of God. It is grace that you could not ever deserve. Grace is everything God is. It is Him coming towards you. He says it because He wants you to feel secure. “… and peace.” Insecurities take our peace! He is saying, if you have a faithful relationship with me, I will give you My grace and peace. He wants us to feel so secure in our relationship with Him that we are willing to let the walls down and let the insecurities go. If you believe it you can have it! You cannot spend much time with Him before He starts trying to give Himself to you! It shows up looking like favor! It starts looking like peace! It will show up in your daily life! These are things that money cannot buy! Everything we get from God, He gave to us through Christ. He is the center and the anointed one.  

God has already blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavens. The way you receive it is by thanking Him for it! Say it out loud! The process is taking place as you say it and as you fellowship with Him! God cherishes the fact that you believe it enough to say it back to Him! He knows that when you get to the place where it becomes who you are, those spiritual blessings are going to flood your life. He is waiting for you to get to the place where you can believe it! That’s all that is stopping it. Bowing your life before Him and worshiping Him for the things He has already done in your life is what will change you on the inside! 

In verse four, Paul explains that we are chosen. If you truly believe that, how could you still be insecure? If you are still dealing with it, you have not yet let that verse sink in and become who you are. He chose you! Before you even existed! Before anything or anyone existed! He chose you. The amplified says it like this: He picked you out and chose you to belong to Him. He wants you! You belong to Him! Worship Him over that! It will make you feel secure! It ministers to you when you worship Him because He chose you. When you are doing that, your words are anointed, the time and fellowship is also anointed! He will deal with your insecurities in that time of fellowship with Him! He is so gentle about it too! He knows the best way! 

When you start blaming other people for where you are in life, the anointing can’t help you! Bad things happen to all of us. It is not about what happens to you. It is about how you deal with what happens to you. You can dwell on it, or you can forgive and be secure in your identity in God!