September 1, 2021
Matthew 15:29-31 Jesus departed from there, skirted the Sea of Galilee, and went up on the mountain and sat down there. 30 Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them. 31 So the multitude marveled when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed made whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel.
If there were a church in America where you could get healed or experience these types of miracles, you think there wouldn’t be a multitude of people there? This is sadly foreign to us. Why? Because we do not believe it is possible. Our unbelief needs to be dealt with. If you can’t produce it, it means you don’t believe it yet. Unbelief does not come out without prayer and fasting. If we can believe, God can do anything.
Jesus didn’t do anything as God. He laid aside His divine privileges and deity and became a man. Jesus of Nazareth took on a body and lived as a human. God anointed a normal natural man from Nazareth. In His ministry Jesus operated as a man anointed by the Spirit. What is the difference between Him and us? His church services and ours? We aren’t getting the results He is getting. You must believe it to have it. He left us with an image. Something we can look at to pattern our lives after. It forms a hope and a vision in us. You become what you behold. Your soul has the ability to transform you into whatever you subject it to the most. Jesus Christ never healed anyone. He said, “I can of my own self do nothing. The Father that dwells withing me does the work.” It wasn’t Jesus, it was the Father in Him using the vessel. This is your inheritance. This is the promise land as a son or daughter of God. Your inheritance is the life of Christ!
Hebrews 1:1-3 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, 2 has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; 3 who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person,
Jesus was the visual representation of the invisible Father God. It was the life of God in Jesus that healed. Jesus was the image of God. If you’re blind, God wants you to see. If you’re deaf, He wants you to hear. If you’re missing a limb, He wants it to grow back. God IS healing. Jesus came to show us what the Father looked and operated like! When you got saved you got more than just a ticket out of Hell! You got the very life and nature of God in you. The same that was in Jesus! God can use you just like He did Jesus!
What were you doing when you were 12? Most likely living a standard childhood with school and playing and friends. Jesus was praying. He was developing even as a child. And He stayed subjected until He was 30 years old, learning and feeding on His Father’s business. When He entered out into the world, He was ready with much preparation and full of God’s life. You have to grow and develop just as Jesus did! Spiritually speaking, you can’t do the miracles that Jesus did without the same training and development! Many come into the Christian life and expect to walk the life of Jesus immediately, it does not work that way! It’s not the way the kingdom of God works. Jesus had to grow and mature in Spirit. He had to develop an established prayer life! He had to learn how to navigate rejection. His own hometown rejected Him and His ministry! If you experienced the same without some spiritual maturity, that level of rejection would mark you in a way that you never recover! But Jesus got right up, went to Capernaum and did so much good regardless of the rejection. He turned that city upside down! He had something working in Him from all those years of processing and preparing. Preparation time is never wasted time. It is necessary. You have to develop your spirit because that is where the life of God resides.
We are sitting and waiting for God to come and do something sovereign and incredible in our churches when God has put His very life in you. God does not dwell in temples made with hands. He dwells in human temples. We have the same life in us that Jesus had in Him. Then why does the life in me not produce the same that was in Him? Because He developed it. And you should be working on developing it. Just because you are not there yet does not mean you cannot get there! It won’t happen naturally without effort! You must know the will of God. Faith always begins where the will of God is known. God didn’t leave us here on earth to live in defeat and just survive until we make it to heaven! What you do spiritually is more important than what you do naturally. To be spiritual you must do spiritual things!
In our current day we have fear, deception, confusion, sickness & disease thrown in our face daily. It’s on an outrageous level. People are afraid to leave their homes. There is no place for sin in the life of a christian who has been set free from sin. The blood of Jesus didn’t just forgive you. It washed, redeemed, and freed you from sin. Sin has no place in dominating the life of a believer. Just like you have been set free from sin, you have been set free from fear also. What defeats you is subjecting yourself to the fear that’s being projected constantly! Don’t let your mind and soul feed on that negativity! You have to know the will of God concerning these areas in your life. How do you know the will of God? The Bible is God speaking to you. It is His will for your life. The word of God is the will of God. You are a child of God, do not remain a sinner in your thinking. Healing was provided on the cross! In your inheritance, the salvation package, healing was provided! You are not the sick trying to get healed! You are already healed! It is finished! Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Your future or your funeral is right on the tip of your tongue! If you talk death and sickness, that’s exactly what you’ll have. Thank God you are the healed of the Lord and if any sickness comes to you, RESIST IT. Resist it in your God given right! Do it through the Word of God and the Name of Jesus.