

Sunday PM


1 Chronicles 12:32

Every Tribe brought something different to the table. This group had understanding of the times. Which enabled them to know what to do. If you know what season you’re in, you know what to do, and you know what not to do. 

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 [28 seasons]

If you knew what season you were in, not only would you know what to do and what not to do, you’d, know what’s coming next. And you could prepare for it.  If you’re in a mourning season, then you know the next season is laughing. You could prepare for it, you’re looking for it, you’re expecting it. With that expectancy, you can turn things quicker than you realize.  You can get so bogged down that a season can last longer than its meant to last.   You need to find out which season you’re in.  

People perceive and hear you through the season that they’re in. 

 If you go by natural feelings, it can be disheartening. But the word teaches us this, you walk by faith and not be feeling. That’s easier said than done and it’s got to be learned in time. 

When you seek God, you will go through purging times, and it can be difficult to explain because its different for everybody. Everyone who presses into God expects good, big things. That’s just the way it is. And if you don’t see things you THINK you should be seeing; you feel like you’re not accomplishing anything. But if God is purging, and rending things out of your life, if you stay with it, on the other side, there’s healing and mending.  God knows what we need.  It would be easier to quit, but just because you have those thoughts and feelings doesn’t mean they came from within you.  It’s the enemy.  He will use things and people around you. You can’t depend on others in this season. We all have expectations of people, and when you’re in a tight place, people won’t act like you think they should in that season.  What the enemy does, is try to convince you that it’s not worth it, and others don’t care. If you put your confidence in other people and they don’t measure up, the enemy will use that against you.  That’s when you really have to depend on God.  

When you pray in the spirit, you have to know this, it’s a spiritual thing. It’s not an emotional thing and it’s not a physical thing. It can be very boring physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you incorporate worship, you get over into the realm of feelings and emotions. It will balance you out emotionally.  When you start worshiping God, a literal baptism starts to take place from the inside out. If you give it time, it will stabilize your emotions. Things that used to bother you, won’t bother you. God gave you that and he gave it to you for a reason. If we walked half full of the spirit nothing would touch us.  You have to give these things time. 

When you’re in a winter season, and you’re not producing anything, it doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. It just means you’re in that season. But if you keep doing what you’re supposed to be doing in the season you’re in, that forces change. That’s the importance of knowing the season you’re in. 

God put gifts in his body [apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers] Its very good to have prophetic people around you in those times. They’re like the sons of Issachar (1 Chron. 12) They interpret seasons and times. That’s a gifting from God. God wants you to know what season and time you’re in, in your life.  Even in the natural you have different seasons and times. Times in elementary, high school, college, marriage, children etc. In each one of those seasons, it’s a change in your life. It’s very important in these times, to have people around you that can help you identify the season you’re in. Your pastor, or leader can fulfill this role at times, but there has to be a pull from the people. 

In the difficult seasons, it’s never God’s plan that you be attacked by the enemy without God warning you first. Just like a parent would warn they’re child of a difficult time ahead, God wants to warn you ahead of time too, but he can’t when you’re so busy doing other things. You have to have times where you personally get close to God.  It’s important to pray in the spirit and focus on him so that you can pick up on things he’s trying to show you in the spirit.  

Philippians 4:6-7

God always has the solution. He’s never withholding anything from us.  You don’t have to be special for God to talk to you. He has a way of getting things over to you, if you will go to him. He knows your language. He knows the language you hear. God talks every language. He will talk to you in a way that you understand what he is trying to get across to you.

God don’t move until it’s his turn.  If you don’t see God moving or doing anything in your life, It’s not his turn.  The enemy will mess with your head in these times. Saying things like,” there’s something wrong with you, you’re not measuring up, you’re not good enough. “But the reality is this, you need to move toward God, and when you move toward him, he will move toward you.  Verse 6 is your move. Verse 7 is God’s move.  What do you do when you’re anxious, concerned of fretting? Pray. Why? Cause God has the answer, and God WANTS to help me. When you pray, balance your prayer with thanksgiving. 

If you walk with God, He will sustain you through a winter season. Be thankful a lot. You can take yourself into a depressed season, by not being thankful. You can’t be depressed and thankful at the same time. 

The benefits only come to the blessers. They belong to everybody. But won’t be delivered if you don’t bless.  

1 Thessaloninas 5:18

Ephesians 5:20

Psalm 107:1-2

Colossians 3:17

Philippians 2:14