March 10, 2021
Grab your Bible! This whole message is a teaching from Matthew 18.
In verse one the question is asked, who does heaven look at as the greatest? It is answered in verse 35. The greatest in the kingdom is an individual that can forgive everyone their trespasses from their heart. In other words, this person can carry the greatest authority in the kingdom. This is because that individual would never use that authority to hurt another person. Authority can be used for good or for bad. Heaven does not take kindly to the mistreatment of people.
“I depend on my love walk more for health & healing than I do my confession of faith. “ -Kenneth E. Hagin
It is so important that we stay attentive to our love walk for our health and personal wellbeing. Have you ever confessed and not see it work? Prayed prayers of faith over people and not see it work? It is because you do not know what is in the heart. Heaven is more interested in the condition of our heart than the comfort of our flesh. As human beings we are usually more interested in the comfort of our flesh rather than the condition of our hearts. Your heart is the command center of your life. “Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the forces of life.” Your life comes out of your heart. The mouth is nothing but a spigot. People think they need to get ahold of their tongues, but the real issue is of the heart. If you want to change what comes out of your mouth, change what’s in your heart.
In verse 23-25, it talks of a very large amount of money. It can be found that this amount could not be earned in 5 lifetimes. We see that the master was going to sell this man and his whole family and everything he had. The power of what’s in a human heart can affect everyone around you and everything you touch. Your heart will either cause good in all those areas, or bad.
Verse 26-27 - He humbled himself. The master was moved with compassion and loosed him with full forgiveness. The way this man reacted and positioned himself, saved his whole family. Unforgiveness clogs the arteries of compassion. Which would you rather be? Angry or compassionate? When you humble yourself you open a door for love and compassion to enter in.
Verse 18 – This has nothing to do with binding and loosing devils. This is all about forgiveness. Its about binding and losing yourself which is done through unforgiveness and forgiveness.
Verse 28-34 - We have all gone searching for revenge. We want those who do wrong to us to suffer. If you’re a person who stubbornly refuses to forgive someone it puts you in a demonic prison and you’ll pay for it in ways that you never would’ve had to. People live in torment and fear because of this very thing. It does not matter how much you rebuke the devil, you will have to deal with unforgiveness in your life before the enemy will obey you.
We are responsible for our own hearts. Keep it with all diligence. We only have to get one thing right: LOVE. It is everything! The measuring stick of your maturity is the condition of your heart. What degree of agape are you walking in? Love is a heart issue. For love to flow out of your heart, it has to be pooled in your heart. And it only comes from God. Love is a choice you have to make constantly. Then it is an attitude. Love always has a good attitude! Love is never optional.
The greatest of the kingdom is someone who can forgive any transgressions from any person. You cannot do this apart from the love of God. When you went to God you needed forgiveness and you got it. Do the same for others.