The Place of Exchange

March 31, 2021


Proverbs 7

In this chapter, you see two women emerging. 2 ways of living. 2 opinions of thoughts. What you think gets down into your heart. It becomes what you believe and live by. “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” 

The place of exchange. This is where you exchange human sufficiency for God’s sufficiency. 

Human sufficiency – It’s the attitude, I can do it with my abilities, my hands, my mind, my determination. 

It’s true. You can. People do it every day. But, that’s people in the world. As God’s people we have a higher call. A higher purpose. And it is impossible to fulfil God’s purpose for your life in your human ability. You have to exchange. Meet with Him daily and exchange your abilities for His. 

If the world system can get you to settle for what you can produce with your own sufficiency, it’s just neutralized you. It’s stolen your God given purpose. You might reach the end of your life and have many things/successes. But if it’s not what God had for you, it was in vain. A useless waste. 

Human sufficiency is the same as human dependency. You are basically depending on yourself and saying, “I can do it, I don’t need you God.” Every morning when you get up and you just go about your day without going to the place of exchange, that is what you are portraying to God. 

There are 2 sides to every gift. Your side and God’s side. God has all the ability. He does not need that from you. He needs your faithfulness! If you’re faithful, He supplies the ability.  

When Jonah ran from the presence of the Lord, his life went downhill quick. Not just him, but everyone around him. Why did he run from the presence of the Lord? People don’t get in His presence because they don’t want to do what God told them to do. It’s pride! God has something for EVERYONE. Not one person is more important than the other. Every person’s purpose is important. Everyone will be awarded accordingly, and everyone will be judged according to what you’ve done with God’s purpose for your life. We will all have to stand before the judgement seat of God and give an account for what we did with our purpose. 

Anything you hear repeatedly; you will begin to believe in your soul. That is why you must attend a church that will feed you the truth. If you can keep your thinking right, you can believe right. If you believe right, you will talk right. And if you talk right, you’ll live right.

Proverbs 8:10-11 Receive my instruction, and not silver,
And knowledge rather than choice gold;
11 For wisdom is better than rubies,
And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.

This is wisdom Herself speaking. She is instructing not to get more excited about making a living, or making money, than the things of God. You have to get honest! If your thinking is contrary to this, it shows you how much you’re under the control of the harlot system. We’ve all been taught by the world system how to be a success in that system. But what you don’t realize, is behind that system there are spirits at work every day. They are assigned to all of us, to see to it that you do not complete the plan will and purpose for your life. They’ll do whatever it takes to keep you distracted. 


Psalm 119: 14 I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies, As much as in all riches.


Psalm 119 : 72 The law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver.


Psalm 119:127 Therefore I love Your commandments more than gold, yes, than fine gold!


Psalm 119:162 I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure.

It’s not that God doesn’t want you to get excited about being a success in that area. He just wants you to be careful and be as excited about Him as you are earthly riches. People in this world judge you based on your house, car, job etc. Not that you are living for God. Heaven don’t view things like the world does.  God is far more interested in your love for Him, rather than your love for material things. There is nothing more important than where you invest your life. Time is much more valuable than money.  You can always get more money, but you cannot get your time back. Where you invest your time is where you will get the biggest pay off. 

Psalm 68:19 Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits,
The God of our salvation! Selah

The world will load you with cares, worries, fears, and doubts. The Lord will load you with peace, joy, strength, joy, grace, healing, deliverance, light! When you’re loaded down with those things, the devil won’t come around you. It’s a place of perfect immunity! It’s the secret place that David talks about. It’s a place where your enemies can’t get in because God is standing between you and your enemies.  DAILY He prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies! DAILY you get up and you eat from His table. DAILY!!! “Give me this day, my daily bread.” If you don’t go to the place of exchange, the world system will load you down instead of God. God is victory!