June 16, 2021
Joshua 1:1-2 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying: 2 “Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel.
Arise & Go! God is never neutral. He is always moving and progressing. He is never stuck. The children of Israel were stuck for 40 years.
Arise – to come up to a higher perspective
We all know we need to do that. But what does that look like? What does that mean?
When you wake in the middle of the night, what is the first thing you do? Check the nearest clock to see what time it is. Why? To know what time it is. Will you arise if you don’t know what time it is? If you’re going to come up to a higher perspective, you have to know what time it is. You see things in the day that you don’t see at night. We have to stop looking at all that’s going on down here in the natural world. We have to start focusing on what’s going on in the heavens. People are caught up in busy down here, and when you are caught up in that, you see everything from the perspective that everyone else does down here. You think it’s normal, but it is not. If all you do is see things from this perspective on earth, all you’re going to have is what’s on earth. The children of Israel were in the wilderness for 40 years because they were caught up in all their murmuring, complaining, rebellion, and what they were doing down here on earth. Moses was always entertaining a higher perspective. If you’ll come up to a higher perspective, you will see things that the vast majority does not. You’ll be able to see yourself, and what’s going on in life. The spiritual realm is just as real as what we see with our eyes. There is a world system that is working 24/7 against you. You won’t overcome it if you’re not coming up to a higher perspective. You won’t overcome it, if you’re caught up in it.
Luke 21:34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly.
That Day might come upon you and you’re not even aware of it. It doesn’t mean you don’t love God; it does not mean you aren’t saved. It means you have allowed yourself to get caught up in the cares of this world to the degree that the Day is here, and you don’t even see it. God can be present and wanting to do something and you’re not even aware of it. Carousing means going where the world goes and doing what the world does in a constant manner. We live in this world, we have to do things like go to work, eat, sleep, go, etc. But you can do it too much. If you do it too much it affect you in a way you don’t realize. We all have responsibilities. But you can get too weighted down with it. Everything has to be kept in its proper place or you won’t be able to operate and step up to that higher perspective. You won’t be able to see the time you’re living in.
The scriptures are very clear that certain things have to happen before the second coming of Jesus. But we are closer than we have ever been. As time progresses, things get darker and darker at a faster rate. Things aren’t going to slow down. You don’t want the Day to come on you unaware.
John 13:1 Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.
Jesus knew that His time had come. If Jesus knew it, you can know it. We’re going to depart soon. It’s a set day just like the day of Pentecost was set. Only God knows it. If we really knew the time, we would be living our lives so differently. But we are blind to it because we are so caught up in everything down here. We don’t recognize the affect that technology, social media, and news has had on us.
Throughout John 13, Jesus explains that He will only be with them for a short time. Up until this point, they had 613 commandments. He simplifies everything and narrows it down to only one. A new commandment. Love one another as He has loved us.
Luke 13:34-35 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
We live in a world now where people are more offended than ever. Demons have been released in the world like never before. The truth will always offend those that aren’t living it. The Gospel is very offensive. When you grow in love, you insulate yourself. You have to come up to a higher walk in your love life. We have to take divine love seriously! You can get to a place that you can face anything and come out on top! It should be natural for us to believe, trust, and love God. It should be natural for a christian to love and forgive each other! To have God’s presence and walk in His glory, you have to be insulated in divine love! It keeps His presence and power in, and devils and division out. It keeps the devil from getting a foothold and bringing sickness and premature death. Your bible teaches this truth! When division comes into the body, sickness can come in and people can die prematurely. When you are in fellowship with the body, healing come easier. Healing is wherever God is! If you can get where He is, you don’t have to beg Him to heal you. To God, healing is just a normal as taking a breath or taking a drink of water! God’s remnant church is going to come to a place where we carry the glory of God, and people will run to it and as they get there, God will fix anything wrong in their lives. He will do it because He is God, and the people want Him. Whatever that is in you that don’t want God, you better deal with it!
Acts 2:1-4 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
This was the last time that God Himself had complete control of the whole church and every member in it. Every member in it was filled to overflowing and speaking. If you read on in this chapter, you see the miraculous. Why don’t we see these spiritual experiences today? Because people are under the influence of the spirit of this age more than they’re under the influence of the Spirit of God. Until you can face that, you’ll continue to live like the world and everyone else in it. What could happen if God had complete control of our church? These men walked with Jesus for 3 years. We have four men (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) giving an account of what they saw, heard, and experienced. There is no excuse for not having soul transformation. We have the same Holy Spirit in us. The reason people don’t have spiritual experiences is because they don’t spend time in the Spirit. You’re going to have to have the Holy Ghost to help you. There is nothing impossible to Him. And He lives in you. You can’t drink from the wrong fountain and expect to have life. You are full of what you continually drink from. Drink from the Spirit and presence of God!