June 20, 2021
Joshua 1:1-2 After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying: 2 “Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel.
Arise – To come up to a higher perspective; awaken
Sometimes we get stuck in life, and just go through the motions. But God makes it so that there are seasons in life. Every day is a brand-new day that you can get up and begin again. You have to be able to leave the past behind. Moses can get you out of Egypt, but he can’t take you into the promised land. Joshua will get the Egypt out of you and take you into the promised land. This is a picture of today’s leaders in the church. There will be a group of people who inherit. The children of Israel had to possess the land, drive out their enemies and take their place. There were squatters on their land. Today, there are squatters sitting on what belongs to God’s people that’s already been paid for by Jesus. There will be a people who rise up and go into that realm and take what belongs to them. Why not us? You have to put the past behind and be reshaped. Don’t get stuck in your ways.
We have to become aware of what time we are living in. What time is it on God’s time clock? He does not go by the Gregorian calendar. The start of our year on earth is January 1st. God’s New Year is not like man’s New Years. God’s first of the year is in September. There is evidence all in the Bible. There are events and places and times that are scheduled on God’s calendar. So, what time is it? Where are we at? It’s time to awaken. Without delay. It is time to move. Overcomers bury the past and arise to seize the new day. Old things have passed away, all things have become new. You have a new Father, family, and future. The things holding you now, is the residue of your past. The things you are struggling with is the residue of the old life, and the old man. The new you is not holding you back. That is why you have to be able to turn loose of the old. Forget who you used to be so that you can become who you are meant to be! Where you get in trouble, is when you become stubborn, and you can’t be corrected. People live in pain because they are too stubborn to let go. Let go of where you’ve been hurt. God loves you and will help you. He doesn’t want to wait for you to get to heaven for you to get to know Him. There is nothing more valuable to God than people. That means ALL people.
You won’t be able to come up to a higher perspective if you are entangled in what’s going on down here in everyday life. We are not from here this is not our home, but we have to live here until the time has come. We are in a natural body, but we are supernatural people born from above. We are spiritually alive. We have to learn to operate from a higher place and not stay entangled in what’s going on down here all the time. You’ll never live in anything bigger than what you can see. God has something higher and better for you!
John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
The Holy Spirit will guide you to truth. He is always speaking! Just as the world is always speaking. Which one are you listening to? Come up to a higher viewpoint! Then you can live above what is down here. He can guide you into God’s perfect plan for your life! He is always speaking! He always has something to say about everything! God doesn’t have questions, only answers. He does not have problems, only solutions! He doesn’t have truth, He is truth! He can show you things to come. If you are wrapped up in the cares of this world, fear can enter your heart. But if you are in contact with the One who knows all, you can know what’s going to happen. It’s easy to agree with that, but most people don’t live there. He is calling us up to a higher place. There are things in our future that God has planned for us that we will never walk in if we don’t come into agreement with Him. Let Him speak! How? Pray in other tongues! The more you let Him speak through you like that, the more you will know. He wants to take you beyond!
Revelation 22:6-7 Then he said to me, “These words are faithful and true.” And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place. 7 “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”
The key words here are “shortly,” and “quickly.” This is heavens perspective.
Revelation 22:12 “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.
Revelation 22:20 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
The Holy Spirit shows you things to come. He is showing us what is on God’s clock! His coming is not changing. It is a set date that only God knows. In His word He gives us things to look at that lets us know, we are getting closer. If you knew Jesus was coming in the next few days, how would you live? If we will live in an urgency that Jesus is coming soon, we would be in line with our Father’s business. What was important to Him, would become what is important to you.
Matthew 24:3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
Luke 21:32-35 “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! 34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. 35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.
God wants us to see and know exactly the time and be ready. God’s people are not ready! When we awaken to who we are and what we are supposed to be doing, God can move through us to impact the world. This is why there is going to have to be a major outpouring of the spirit. There will be! Will you be ready? Will you be aware? Or will you be asleep caught up in what everyone else is doing and trying to be what everyone else is being. Don’t miss it! Don’t miss what God is trying His best to do. We’ve got a guide inside that is telling us to get ready.
Psalm 25:4 Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Every child is born with a desire in them given by God, and a path planned by God for their lives. As a parent, you can elevate yourself to a higher perspective and know what that path is for the child. You point them in that direction and you keep them pointed there. This doesn’t just work for your kids. It will work for you too. The Holy Ghost is in you to show you the way you should go. God does not want us to hit and miss. He wants us to walk in all He has for us! He wants everyone on His path for them! If you could just see where you could be and what you could have! It’s healing and blessing! Its better!